Treatment for Cheek Veins

Dr. Adam S Gropper is a top Miami vein doctor offering cheek vein and nose vein removal in Miami in addition to other spider vein removal treatments.

“There are two kinds of facial veins that patients come to us for,” said Dr Gropper, a vein doctor with offices in Miami Beach and Coral Gables, serving all greater Miami, Aventura and Latin America, “blue peri-orbital reticular veins and red or purple spider veins on the nose and cheeks. We make sure to tailor treatment to each one. Though people think of Miami laser vein treatments as the answer, the truth is, it’s not one size fits all. Two to three laser vein treatments are often required to improve these spots and the treatment can be painful.. These are very different problems and they need customized solutions. If you’re going to try to be the best face vein doctor you can be, you need to offer customized solutions for patients.”

Red or purple spider nose veins and cheek veins are usually a function of sun damage and are more common in cigarette smokers. These tiny vessels – also called telangiectasias – are usually less than 1/2 millimeter in size and can be cosmetically unappealing.

Dr Gropper offers patients a customized – and pain-free – approach to facial vein removal using a combination of laser vein treatment, sclerotherapy, and minimally invasive vein removal techniques, depending on what the best option is for you. Our office offers topical anesthetic, if desired, to make your treatment as comfortable as possible. More than 1 session may be required depending on the severity of your facial veins and the best method for treating them.

Temple Veins Before After
Dr. Adam S. Gropper

CALL US: 786-971-6673

Request an appointment at our Miami Beach vein clinic location. We are conveniently located for patients in Miami, Miami Beach, and serving Miami-Dade and Broward with convenient offices in Kendall and Aventura and surrounding communities.