Varicose Vein Treatment

Dr Gropper is a top vein doctor in Miami offering varicose vein treatment and varicose vein removal with offices in Miami Beach. Serving patients across Miami, varicose vein treatment is performed using a combination of laser vein treatment, minimally invasive varicose vein surgery and sclerotherapy.

Genetics play the greatest role in whether an individual gets vein varicose veins disease or not. One study found a 90% risk of developing varicose veins if both parents have them. These veins are not functioning properly and should be treated. Another major risk factor is pregnancy and multiple pregnancies, in particular. Prolonged standing, menopause and blood clots (deep vein thrombosis or DVT) are also associated with developing varicose veins.

While using compression stockings, losing weight, walking and elevating the legs may provide temporary relief, none of these treatments definitively treats the varicose veins. Only by performing a detailed physical examination and ultrasound can the root of the problem be identified and potential options provided. Dr Gropper personally performs all the ultrasounds and evaluations.It’s important to make sure you get an appropriate evaluation from a vein doctor.

Varicose veins commonly cause symptoms including pain, itching, cramping and swelling. For patients from Miami varicose vein treatment can be organized around their work schedule including early morning and afternoon treatments. For patients visiting Dr Gropper from outside Miami varicose vein treatment can be performed in a single day after an extensive phone and video consultation. Sometimes the symptoms are insidious like aching pain in the calf or restless legs and cramping at night. Patients often tell us the symptoms are bad enough they can’t walk when they are cramping. Patients commonly ask us if treatment is covered by insurance. If you have symptoms like pain or swelling and have varicose veins larger than 3 mm, then most insurers will pay for treatment. A multidisciplinary approach combining vein ablation, phlebectomy and sclerotherapy is often necessary to effectively treat varicose veins.

Dr Gropper provides customized treatment plans for each of our patients incorporating the most advanced, minimally invasive techniques available. Dr Gropper sees patients with varicose veins from all over the greater Miami area and Latin America with offices in Miami Beach.


Call 786-971-6673 to schedule your vein treatment in Miami.

Before Undergoing Varicose Vein Treatment

Dr Gropper is a top Miami vein doctor specializing exclusively in varicose vein treatment and spider vein treatment with offices in Miami Beach. Looking for Miami varicose vein removal or spider vein treatment can be a challenge. Confusion about which physicians build their entire practice around varicose vein treatment and vein removal in Miami and which ones provide some vein treatments on the side abounds. To that end – whether you come visit Dr Gropper at or choose another physician – we want to help you understand what you should be looking for in a Miami vein treatment doctor. Patients go through several steps before they actually undergo varicose vein treatment. In medicine, we use the Trans-theoretical Model to understand those Stages of Change, the first several of which are relevant to choosing a varicose vein treatment doctor.

Precontemplation (Not Ready): Patients might not even be aware of their varicose vein problem or potential solutions like endovenous ablation.

Contemplation (Getting Ready): Patients identify a concern and educate themselves or think through treatment.

Preparation (Ready): At this point, patients might be asking for a referral or using the internet to find varicose vein specialists and have initial visits.

Action: Patients decide to treat.

Maintenance: Unfortunately for some patients, making the wrong decision about where to get vein treatment – especially in South Florida.

If you have found this page, you are likely in the Contemplation or Preparation stage. Maybe you’ve been considering varicose vein treatment for years. Perhaps you just moved to South Florida and want to look good in a bathing suit. Whatever your reason, it’s okay to remain in the Contemplation until you are ready and confident you’ve found the right varicose vein specialist for you. It’s better to be in Contemplation for months than varicose vein Maintenance for years. Here are some things to consider: Practices focused 100% on vein treatment. Though many doctors offer vein treatments as part of their practice, South Florida vein treatment practices are few. Another potential way to investigate vein treatment doctors is to look for people who provide a comprehensive suite of services. If your varicose vein doctor only has one tool – guess which varicose vein treatment you’re going to get. You want a varicose vein doctor who provides:

Ultrasound varicose vein diagnosis: preferably the physician does the ultrasound themselves (like I do on every patient that walks through our door) so they can explain to you what is going on and plan your varicose vein treatment with you at the same time.

Sclerotherapy: some practices have capable nurses and physician assistants who provide sclerotherapy. I do 100% of the sclerotherapy in our office. This is great for spider vein removal in the right hands.

Microphlebectomy: a minimally invasive surgical technique for superficial varicose vein removal. I tell patients, “you go home, your vein stays with me.”

Endovenous Laser Ablation or Endovenous Radiofrequency Ablation: a catheter based technique for varicose vein treatment requiring no downtime and one of the most important advances in vein removal in the last decade.
Dr. Adam S. Gropper

CALL US: 786-971-6673

Request an appointment at our Miami Beach vein clinic location. We are conveniently located for patients in Miami, Miami Beach, and serving Miami-Dade and Broward with convenient offices in Kendall and Aventura and surrounding communities.

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